Social & Environmental Responsibility

Social and Environmental responsibility is extremely important to me. Coming from a background in retail and previously owning my own Fair Trade importing business, I have long targeted change in these areas. Some of the ways that I'm addressing these issues include:

All t-shirts and tote bags are delivered in compostable postal satchels.

AS Colour t-shirts and tote bags.

AS Colour has an extremely high standard of production. They have 100% traceability on their garment manufacture and all of those garment factories have been visited and audited and are with people they have the highest degree of transparency and engagement with. Wages, working conditions and responsible sourcing are extremely high priorities for them.

Their website is extremely in-depth and is well worth the visit. They even list each factory, what they produce, how long they have worked with that factory, how many women work there and what extras are provided for the factory workers.


Printing - The Print Bar, Brisbane, Melbourne

Where your shirt or bag is being delivered to will depend on where it is printed, but for all Australian deliveries they will be printed by The Print Bar. They are a company that stocks a very wide range of AS Colour products, is aiming towards removing all plastic based inks from their different printing processes and has a track record for employing people of a diverse range of abilities. I've been impressed with the team at The Print Bar across my interactions with them and I'm excited to be working further with them.


Digital Printing & Print-On-Demand

T-shirts, tote bags and greeting cards.

These two processes are important for the sustainability of my products. Using digital printing to print the t-shirts and tote bags greatly reduces the amount of water that is used compared to other printing methods and also uses only water based inks.

Print-on-demand refers to an item only being printed when it is purchased. I don't have a warehouse full of stock that isn't selling and wasting natural resources. Only what is purchased is printed. As an artist I see this as a very important part of aiming towards sustainability as a business.